2021 by the numbers!

Real Estate for Social Good

Here’s my 2021 by the numbers!

*** 11 closed sales *** Congrats to all my amazing clients who bought and sold homes this year!! It was so fun to make that happen with you. 😍

*** 1 commercial lease *** Very excited to get the @callistoteahouse lease signed for their new shop β€” delicious tea coming soon!

*** 53 offers written *** Wrote so many offers for clients this year! ($30M+ worth of real estate offered on, to be exact, with a 23% success rate on offers written β€” and closed β€” in 2021).

*** 2 of my own rentals sold *** I sold two of my out of state rentals and reinvested into multifamily here in Los Angeles. My goal is cash flow so I can retire by 40, and by investing in larger deals with partners I am able to increase my cashflow!

*** 26 units bought in LA *** My partners at LME Investments and I closed on 3 apartment buildings in LA, a 10 unit, a 7 unit and a 9 unit for a total of 26 doors here locally. I started investing out of state and I love it, but I am so excited to have been able to invest here just a few minutes from where I live. We plan to do more deals this year!

I am very excited for my 2022 goals and grateful for celebrating the wins among the challenges of 2021!!

#FIRE #buyahouseinLA #2021bythenumbers #2022goals #financialfreedom #goals #realtor #realestate

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