Build an ADU

Real Estate for Social Good

Top 4 Reasons to Build an ADU

Why it’s better to build in LA than in other cities

  1. LAND VALUE Maximize the value of improvements on the lot
  2. URBAN SPRAWL Reduce suburbanization by developing in the city
  3. INCOME Earn income that gets you toward financial freedom
  4. HOUSING Contribute to providing more housing in LA

I hold a certificate in Construction Project Management from California State University-Dominguez Hills, and have managed construction projects from ground-up residential apartment buildings to commercial tenant improvement projects.

I am a member of the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) and believe that building rental units is a valuable strategy toward earning passive income and building an alternative revenue stream to your J.O.B salary!

Want to build an ADU? Reach out to talk more about the process.