Do you earn it or do you receive it?
Money’s complicated for sure. But the way we are taught to be with it, or earn it, is not really all that sustainable. Now that I’ve shifted my mindset, making money feels more like a game, a puzzle to crack. How many different sources can I call in? Not relying on the 1 J.O.B. to provide it all.
(And to be clear I’m talking money after all basic needs are met, not like basic survival wages. The money for our dreams and goals and aspirations.)
@sofiarosesmith and I have been talking about creating a money group for quite a while now. Like a monthly money mindset membership support space where we walk through some teachings and mostly hold space for community. People have been asking us for this for a long time, so something may be in the works… if there’s interest!
Most of my work as a realtor is really money stuff with clients. The contracts part is easy — the money mindset is the hard part. We all have to get our money right before we can invest.
My personal goal is to move from earning money to receiving it!
[There are broadly only two routes to acquiring money and financial wealth: You can either earn it, or you can receive it. -Gary Keller]