Down Payment Assistance for Educators & First Responders

Real Estate for Social Good

I was in education for 11 years before I got into real estate.

One of the things I wanted most was to buy a house.

Not because I was trying to keep up with the Joneses. Or because it was what I was “supposed” to do. 

But because I dreamed of a beautiful homestead with wood floors, a garden with herbs and greens growing, pickled things fermenting in my pantry. A garage with my camping things neatly organized and ready to go wherever we wanted.

Maybe this was the “American dream” that I unconsciously absorbed as my own. But it was motivating, and burning inside me how much I wanted this.

Unfortunately, I never knew if that was ever going to be an option for me as an educator.

Over the last few years I ended up making a career change, which I wrote about in my last blog post here.

And once I got into real estate I made a commitment to two things:

1) 5% of all my gross income from real estate would go to racial and social justice work such as BLM, reparations and housing affordability.

2) I would figure out how to “hack” housing in LA so it’s at least (slightly) more accessible to those of us in the educating & non-profit fields.

When I became a real estate agent, I met a local lender who specializes in down payment assistance programs for educators, EMT’s, nurses, firefighters and other first responders. What’s cool is that it’s not just for classroom teachers — it’s also available to school staff, office staff, administrators, etc.

On Thu, March 4, 2021 @ 7PM PST I’ll be doing a live Q&A on how to take advantage of these grants for your primary home purchase.

Some questions we’ll be answering:

  • What are the programs?
  • Who qualifies for these programs?
  • What documents do you need to get pre-approved?
  • How much should you put down on a house? 

It’s a free workshop, and anyone is welcome! I would love for you to join us on Zoomalicious and spread the word to your educator & first responder networks.

Thu, March 4, 2021 @ 7PM PST

I’ll be sending out the replay video to those of you who can’t make it, so sign up for my mailing list if you’re interested in getting that in your inbox:

Thanks, and be well.

Down Payment Assistance for Educators & First Responders

Thu, March 4, 2021 @ 7PM PST

Did you know there are down payment assistance programs for teachers, school support staff, medical staff, EMT’s, nurses, firefighters and other first responders?

Join Fiona Bryan from Academy Mortgage and Sammy Lyon from Dow Capital for an interactive live Q&A on how to take advantage of these grants for your primary home purchase.

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