
Estate planning for first time homebuyers

Real Estate for Social Good


You buy a house with your boo. It’s just in your names, no trust or estate plan. One of you dies (eek!). The grieving boo now has to spend months and thousands of dollars going through probate just to inherit the house.

Scenario — your parents add you to the deed, but not in a way that’s advantaged re: taxes, or inheritance in the future. You and your siblings are left with a mess, rather than a plan.

Estate planning isn’t just for rich people.

Believe it or not, buying a house is one of the first steps to generational wealth (your “estate”), and you don’t want to lose it by not being prepared. Even if you don’t feel like you’re “there” yet.

That’s why I’m doing a free workshop tonight with an awesome attorney who knows how to help people think through their plans. The first time I heard Deb talk about it I thought to myself, “oops, I am definitely NOT prepared.” I didn’t know any of this stuff!

So I hope this free content will be helpful for you. We’re on Zoom this evening 7PM PST.

Estate Planning for First Time Homebuyers
with Debora Young from Young Law Firm
Thursday, June 24, 2021 @ 7PM PST

Topics we’ll cover:

– what is estate planning and why do you need it?
– the disadvantages of naming children as joint owners on your home
– how to structure your estate plan (it’s more than just a will!)

Sign up (free): www.lyonideas.com/estate-planning (link in bio)

There will also be a replay, cause isn’t everyone tired of Zoomalicious these days? Comment or sign up to get the replay.

See you soon!


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