From teacher to 10 units in 10 months!

Real Estate for Social Good

I’m so excited because I just closed on my 10th out of state unit today! I did my first deal ever exactly 10 months ago, thanks to the Bigger Pockets podcast, a lot of library books and a lot of good people. Before this I was an environmental education teacher for over a decade, and last year I got hooked when my friend had me listen to the podcast. So when yet another grant-funded position ended earlier this year, I chose to take a break from full time work and focus on RE instead…and it’s been so amazing!!

On my break I took classes in construction management and spent a lot of time going to meetups. Now I’m working as a project manager for a GC to get real world experience (building a ground up affordable housing development in LA), and I’m getting my real estate license. I also donate 1% of all gross revenue (not just profits) from real estate investments to affordable housing and community development, and am partnering with other investors to create a social equity financial model for our rental properties. More on that when I set up the blog. 

So my commitment to social justice hasn’t gone away, it’s just transformed into this new field (new to me) of real estate investing. I’m also really passionate about my non-profit colleagues finding their way to financial freedom as well. (If you can only read one book, read Your Money or Your Life). So far I’ve got 4 houses and 3 duplexes with none of my own cash invested except the first deal, and my goal is to be at 30 units with at least $60,000/year of net cash flow within the next 3 years.

My wife loves me AND is sick of me talking real estate all the time lol so if people ever want to catch up and talk RE I’m in! Some other folks in LA like @John Koster and @Shiva Bhaskar and I like to connect on out of state investing over beers every couple of months, and a new thing we’re talking about too is Opportunity Zones.

So anyway, I haven’t really shared too much of my story here and I just wanted to spread some inspiration for other go getters and life changers on the forums. 

As @Alexander Felice says, I think you’ve got to be a little obsessed. And take action! Thanks for all those who have supported me so far and to many more!

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