I came to real estate through education.
So for me, helping people buy and sell homes is only part of the work I do.
Providing financial literacy education along with my real estate services is also how I support folks on the path to homeownership and financial freedom.
(And the good thing is… I really love doing it!)
Because I believe that everyone should have access to the tools to own real estate and build generational wealth.
So last month, I hosted a free workshop with an awesome lender on how to qualify for down payment assistance. You can watch the replay here.
And this week, I’m doing another free Q&A with my friend and colleague Shiva Bhaskar. We’ll be talking about how to improve your credit to buy a home.
Credit, unfortunately, is one of the many barriers people face in the homeownership journey.
On Thu, April 8, 2021 @ 7PM PST we’ll be live on Zoomalicious talking about how to tip the system in your favor and use these strategies to buy a house!
Some topics we’ll be covering:
- Top 3-4 tips people can do now to improve their credit
- What lenders look at when buying a home
- Common myths about credit scores (one of them includes Credit Karma…)
It’s a free workshop, and anyone is welcome! I would love for you to join us and spread the word to anyone who could benefit from this information.
Thu, April 8, 2021 @ 7PM PST
I’ll be sending out the replay video to those of you who can’t make it, so sign up for my mailing list if you’re interested in getting that in your inbox: https://lyonideas.com/mailing-list
Thanks, and be well.
How to Improve Your Credit to Buy a Home
Thu, April 8, 2021 @ 7PM
Join Shiva Bhaskar from Tier One Credit and Sammy Lyon from Dow Capital for an interactive live Q&A on how to improve your credit to purchase a home.
If you’re looking to buy a house and want to get your credit in the best shape possible, we look forward to seeing you and answering your questions!