LGBTQ+ couples are 73% more likely to be denied a mortgage than straight couples

Real Estate for Social Good

Facts. “A 2017 paired-test study found widespread discrimination on the part of real estate agents against same-sex couples and transgender home seekers in Dallas-Forth Worth, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.”

“LGBTQ+ couples are 73% more likely to be denied a mortgage than straight couples.” (read that again)

“Nearly half of LGBTQ+ renters (46%) are concerned about discrimination in the home buying process. And only 49% of LGBTQ+ adults nationwide are homeowners, compared to 65% of the general population — these rates are significantly lower among transgender people and LGBTQ+ people of color.”

-California Real Estate Magazine, by Katherine Mechling

I hear this from clients who come to me after having terrible experiences with other realtors. And there’s data to back this up.

It’s the mortgage statistic that really gets me mad. This supposed “neutral” process that’s a massive gate-keeper between folks and homeownership.


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