Sold! 1924 Las Flores Drive

Real Estate for Social Good

Just Sold! Glendale Hills Home with Original Charm

1924 Las Flores Dr, Glendale, CA 91207

The buyers saw this as soon as it hit the market and fell in love!

The seller had meticulously maintained this home for the last 50 years.

I’m a sucker for original charm myself and was so excited to see it go to buyers that just loved the details of this home.

They put in a strong offer and it was quickly accepted. The escrow went super smoothly and they closed on time!

Always love it when a buyer just LOVES a house. As someone who works with a LOT of buyers, it’s so gratifying because it’s a win win for all.

A buyer who loves a home is motivated to make it work. It’s a big deal to buy a house, and a huge commitment!

Amazing buyer’s agent @marinejanikyan rocked this for her clients. 🙂 So grateful to have her on the other side of this making it all go smoothly.

Congrats to my sellers for a nice, clean exit and to the buyers for their new home!

Book a call with me if you want to see what’s possible for you too…

Sammy Lyon
Associate Broker
Dow Capital
DRE #02113227
Office Lic. #01081741


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